Thursday, January 13, 2011

100-Mile Musical Diet

Are you tired of big factory music that is too processed and nutritionally bankrupt? Do you worry about how far your music travels before it reaches your CD player or iPod? Are you concerned about how non-organic production methods and the heavy use of auto-tuners are affecting your listening health?

There are other options! Local farmers' markets and coffeeshops are great places to hear locally-produced, organic music. You can actually talk to the songwriter who lovingly grew the music. And their CDs are often the same price or cheaper than the big factory brands!

The 100-mile musical diet encourages you to get the majority of your music within 100 miles of your home. It's good for your health, your community and the planet!

OK, so I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek, but lots of people are discovering that "buying local" with music as well as food is good for communities. Check out some more thoughts on this issue in Exclaim! magazine here:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, couldnt agree more. Any musicians out there, please have a look at the website I am creating for the Annapolis Valley. You can find Mike there, and you can add yourself as well for free. Just email me to get a coupon code to enter to do it.
