Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This Guitar Kills Fascists

Is music important? Lots of people would say yes without being able to articulate why. It is important to them personally because of the way music cultivates emotion. But as Woody Guthrie's guitar boldly implies, there are societal functions as well. These are a little harder to pin down but there is no doubt that politics and history can be influenced by music (e.g. would anyone under the age of 50 know about the Kent State shootings if it weren't for Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's "Ohio"?).

As an independent musician struggling to be heard, sometimes it's hard to feel as if what I'm doing is worthwhile. As I scour the job listings, I see how much society values a millwright or a nurse by how much they earn and the service they perform. My value to society is less tangible. But part of my job is to be confident and unwavering in my belief that music has value. It might not always be immediately apparent, but it's there, just under the surface.

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